At the top is a close up of our #632 Altar Cross. The
detail in the casting comes from being French Sand Cast. This is a very old technique,
practiced by few today. It consists of altering the traditional sand casting method by
using a much, much finer filler medium and slowly pouring the molten metal so it doesn't
disturb the void.
Above left - #428 Altar Cross
Above middle - #634 Altar Cross
Above right - #632 Altar Cross
All these items are available with a Corpus/INRI. They are approximately 21" tall, and are shown with a traditional
6 panel solid cast base. Other bases are available - just pick one from any photo in this
site and email us for an updated custom quote.
Below is the #6400 5 light Candleabra, the
#6400 Altar Candlestick for 15", and the #6400 12" Vases (with a closeup showing the intricate detailing in
the castings).. Not pictured are matching Sanctuary Lamps, Missal Stands, Wall
Lamps, and Paschal/Floor Lamps (Click to the Paschals Page for a Photo).

Left is our #634 Cast Cross
adapted over to a Processional Style with a metal pole of 48". Pricing for this unit,
with an IHS Cloverleaf in the middle (not shown for clarity of the cross detail), is
with a matching base. Any of the above altarware crosses can be converted like this -
all you need to do is imagine it.